Развод, алименты, опека выезд ребенка за границу, раздел имущества в Украине
Not rare cases, when mutual understanding in the family stops, and the opposition grows. It leads to divorce, child custody disputes, alimony, etc..
During our work, we have seen different situations, therefore we recommend you, primarily, approach the issue without additional emotions, solely in the best interests of the child.
We are ready to help you in preparing an application for divorce (administrative or judicial), we are ready to participate in the dispute to protect your interests and the interests of the child.
We have experience in handling such cases., therefore, we are ready to provide reliable protection of your interests in court and executive bodies.
Consequences of divorce (the divorce) – property division (although it is possible without divorce). For a successful dispute resolution, even the smallest details are very important for a lawyer. (procedure for acquiring property).
Quite often, such disputes are long, with the involvement of witnesses, experts, etc.. However, only thanks to reasonable, wise actions can achieve an objective result in the division of property.
Not always all property is divided in half, therefore, each major part depends on you and the desire to protect your interests.