Development of audit contracts and internal documents of the company

Development of basic contracts for companies in Kyiv
Any business activity begins with the conclusion of a contract. Therefore, it is important for every entrepreneur to have developed draft basic contracts in his arsenal., that can be sent to clients.
Important, so that these basic agreements minimize all the risks of an entrepreneur, and also maximally protected the interests of each party from possible poor-quality performance of the contract by each party.
Model contracts with the Internet increase the risks of the company
We do not recommend using standard contracts from the Internet, because they absolutely may not suit you, and also increase the risk of abuse towards you from the opposite side.
Every company should always be able to develop quality contracts, based on their reasonable claims.
We are ready to develop contracts in Kyiv in the shortest possible time.
Development of internal company documents in Kyiv
In the work of each company, one has to deal with internal documentation..
We will develop documentation for your company:
- drawing up a collective agreement
- development of work schedule
- drawing up internal instructions
- development of positions
- ordering and much more
We are ready to do everything for you, bring all internal documents in line with the law or create all basic company documentation from scratch.
Legal examination of contracts and documents in Kyiv
Each company in its activities acts as a customer of certain services/works/deliveries. Usually, the supplier company provides a standard OWN version of the contract, which the, certainly, supposedly protects that side.
For, so that your interests are also protected, we are ready to conduct an examination of the contract for subsequent amendments to minimize your risks and protect your interests. Besides, we are ready to further coordinate all disputed points under the contract with the party, so you get a ready-made version of the contract, taking into account your interests.
Development of contracts and internal documentation of the company: